“The formation of the GP Federation has created a unified voice and sense of cohesion for primary care in North East Hampshire and Farnham.”

Dr Nick Hughes, Founding Director of Salus Medical Services Ltd.

Salus Medical Services was formed by all the local GP practices in response to local and national pressures that face both Primary Care and the wider NHS. We help the federation practices work better together and with other healthcare providers, reducing  wastage and improving patients' experiences. 

We have three key objectives:

Deliver primary care services, on a larger scale

Help practices to collaborate and gain economies of scale

Provide a single voice for primary care in North-East Hampshire

With the ever-changing health care environment presenting challenges to GP Practices everywhere, Salus has also developed a Resilience Programme, aimed at supporting Practices to overcome short to medium term issues with delivering patient care. As an APMS we have run the Mayfield Medical Centre since January 2020; we also support PCNs in recruiting and developing their staff, including ARRS - the scheme to expand teams with additional roles that support health and care needs.


Aldershot Urgent Care Centre - service amendment

On Tuesday, 26 November, after nearly a year the pilot Urgent Care Centre service based at Aldershot Centre for Health closed.

North Hampshire Urgent Care, NHS Frimley and Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust are working together to continue to provide an urgent care service for the people of North East Hampshire, Surrey Heath and Farnham.

For more information on Making the Right Choice - From Wednesday, 27 November, click here.