"A service designed to provide an effective, flexible and responsive approach to managing discharge delays from Frimley Health acute trust, for individuals who are clinically stable"
Discharge to Assess (D2A)
Salus Medical Services acts as the clinical support provider for this service, collaborating with Hampshire County Council and North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group to provide twice weekly ward rounds, attendance at multidisciplinary team meetings, telephone advice and support to Ticehurst Nursing Home staff.
The service benefits patients whose admission to hospital was unavoidable and who have physical frailty and nursing care needs but no continuing acute medical needs. Once in a D2A bed, an assessment will be undertaken to identify future needs and plan for the patient’s return home or to on-going placement in nursing or residential care. In most cases the patients are expected to require a stay of not more than 21 days. Those who would benefit from a longer stay, due to reablement potential, might remain in Ticehurst for up to 6 weeks to allow time to maximise the patient’s potential for independent living through provision of reablement services. We:
Agree planned care with the individual, their families/carers and appropriate professional service providers in a stable, supportive environment;
Strive to maximise the individual’s opportunity to remain independent ;
To ensure those involved have a positive experience of the service they receive.
In-patient referrals to this service are made at Frimley Park Hospital, in conjunction with the nursing home.