Where We Work

Image courtesy of Olly Hemans, Frimley ICB

Salus works across the area covered by Frimley Health and Care ICS, the NHS organisation that commissions the majority of healthcare services for over 225,000 people in North-east Hampshire and Farnham.  The area is broken down in to five localities where we operate with the existing GP practices.  In the Farnham locality we also collaborate with FICS*.

The patient population is generally healthy and well, with a higher than average life expectancy - 80 years for men, 84.5 years for women.  This is higher than the England average - 78 years for men and 82 years for women.  However there is a marked difference in life expectancy between the most and least affluent areas - up to 8.8 years difference for men and 10.4 years for women - which impacts how health services are commissioned.

Most people in the area experience a good standard of living; 60% are amongst the 20% most affluent nationally.  At the same time the area does have challenges: around 4,000 people (some 2% of the population) are in the 20% most deprived nationally.

*Farnham Integrated Care Service -  the umbrella organisation for the Farnham Practices, working in collaboration.